How to bulk update Enterprise Manager Target Properties.
Step-by-step guide
Login to emcli (login to repository host as the Oracle user, enter the password when prompted)
emcli login -username=sysman
To extract a list of database targets, run the following (modify the output if required. For example, if you wish to
emcli get_targets -noheader -format='name:script;column_separator:|;' -targets='%database%' | awk -F\| '{print $4":"$3":Line of Business:"}' > db_targets.txt
Modify the text file with the relevant services DB_TARGETS.TXT as previously done in the attachment. Copy this back to the OMSDBAUP03 server and run the following:
emcli set_target_property_value -property_records="REC_FILE" -input_file="REC_FILE:db_targets.txt" -separator=property_records="