select * from (SELECT o.OWNER , o.OBJECT_NAME , o.SUBOBJECT_NAME , o.OBJECT_TYPE , t.NAME "Tablespace", s.growth/(1024*1024) "Growth in MB", (SELECT sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) FROM dba_segments WHERE segment_name=o.object_name) "Total Size(GB)" FROM DBA_OBJECTS o, ( SELECT TS#,OBJ#, SUM(SPACE_USED_DELTA) growth FROM DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT GROUP BY TS#,OBJ# HAVING SUM(SPACE_USED_DELTA) > 0 ORDER BY 2 DESC ) s, v$tablespace t WHERE s.OBJ# = o.OBJECT_ID AND s.TS#=t.TS# and o.owner='SCOTT' and o.object_type='TABLE' ORDER BY 6 DESC) where rownum<20;
what is this about? Thanks
where rownum<20;
This means we will return no more than 19 rows.