How do we report on databases that haven’t been backed up? We create a report from Enterprise manager and see what has failed and what backups are potentially missing
Run this in Enterprise Manager
/* mark young 23-August 2011 */ SELECT a.HOST_NAME, a.DISPLAY_NAME, CASE WHEN b.end_time < SYSDATE - 2 THEN '3. BACKUP OLDER THAN 2 DAYS' WHEN b.status='FAILED' THEN '1.FAILED' WHEN b.status='COMPLETED WITH WARNINGS' THEN '4. COMPLETED WITH WARNINGS' WHEN b.status='COMPLETED' THEN '5. COMPLETED' ELSE NVL (b.status, '2. NO RMAN BACKUP') END status, c.database_ROLE, a.target_type, b.start_time, b.end_time, b.input_type, b.output_device_type, b.output_bytes_display FROM ( SELECT T.HOST_NAME, T.DISPLAY_NAME, T.target_guid, T.target_type FROM mgmt$target t WHERE target_type = ('rac_database') GROUP BY T.HOST_NAME, t.target_type, t.target_guid, T.DISPLAY_NAME) a, mgmt$ha_backup b, mgmt$ha_info c WHERE a.target_guid = b.target_guid(+) AND a.target_guid = c.target_guid AND c.database_role = 'PRIMARY' UNION SELECT a.HOST_NAME, a.DISPLAY_NAME, CASE WHEN b.end_time < SYSDATE - 2 THEN '3. BACKUP OLDER THAN 2 DAYS' WHEN b.status='FAILED' THEN '1.FAILED' WHEN b.status='COMPLETED WITH WARNINGS' THEN '4. COMPLETED WITH WARNINGS' WHEN b.status='COMPLETED' THEN '5. COMPLETED' ELSE NVL (b.status, '2. NO RMAN BACKUP') END status, c.database_ROLE, a.target_type, b.start_time, b.end_time, b.input_type, b.output_device_type, b.output_bytes_display FROM ( SELECT T.HOST_NAME, T.DISPLAY_NAME, T.target_guid, T.target_type FROM mgmt$target t WHERE target_type = ('oracle_database') AND t.type_qualifier3 <> 'RACINST' GROUP BY T.HOST_NAME, t.target_type, t.target_guid, T.DISPLAY_NAME) a, mgmt$ha_backup b, mgmt$ha_info c WHERE a.target_guid = b.target_guid(+) AND a.target_guid = c.target_guid AND c.database_role = 'PRIMARY' ORDER BY 3
Hi Mark-
Nice sql for backup status, thanks a lot for sql, will be able to help my below issue.
1. I tested sql, in my backup status report standby databases are missing, we take backup from standby database for few databases, I found the magmt$ha_info table not having entry for standby database.
2. It is showing only last backup status, if archive log run after full or increment backup, it is showing only previous archive log backup status, it is good if it show full, incr and archive log backup for the 1 day.
If you have any solution let us know, thanks again for your help