Here is a script I’ve put together to backup both cluster and non clustered databases in AWS. (Still in progress).
import boto3 import datetime import sys # Author: Mark Young # Date: 3rd October 2017 # Detail: Automatic database snapshots are restricted to 35 days # This script enables us to keep snapshots for extended periods # Audit: 1.0 - M.Y. Original # 1.1 - M.Y. Added retention variables and cluster name INTERVAL_TYPE = 'days' INTERVAL_NUM = 1 #RDS_NAME = 'AURORATEST' #for arg in sys.argv: rds_type = sys.argv[1].upper() RDS_NAME = sys.argv[2].upper() Purge = sys.argv[3].upper() client = boto3.client('rds')"%y-%m-%d-%H-%S") # Backups for cluster databases def Cluster_backup(RDS_NAME): print("Connecting to Cluster Database") print("Cluster Database snapshot backups stated... for " + RDS_NAME + ' - Snapshot ' + SNAPSHOT_NAME) snapshot_description = client.describe_db_cluster_snapshots(DBClusterIdentifier= RDS_NAME) while snapshot_description['DBClusterSnapshots'][0]['Status'] != 'available' : print("still waiting") time.sleep(15) snapshot_description = client.describe_db_cluster_snapshots(DBClusterIdentifier= RDS_NAME) response = client.create_db_cluster_snapshot( DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier= RDS_NAME + '-s-' + SNAPSHOT_NAME, DBClusterIdentifier= RDS_NAME, Tags=[ { 'Key': 'Backup', 'Value': 'MyToll' }, ] ) #For debugging #print(response) def Cluster_purge(RDS_NAME): print('Looking for items to purge - Retention ' + str(INTERVAL_NUM) + ' ' + INTERVAL_TYPE ) for snapshot in client.describe_db_cluster_snapshots(DBClusterIdentifier= RDS_NAME, MaxRecords=50)['DBClusterSnapshots']: create_ts = snapshot['SnapshotCreateTime'].replace(tzinfo=None) if create_ts < - datetime.timedelta(**{INTERVAL_TYPE: INTERVAL_NUM}): print("Deleting snapshot id:", snapshot['DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier']) client.delete_db_cluster_snapshot( DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier=snapshot['DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier'] ) #For debugging #print(response) my_response ="Completed snapshot copy and purge for cluster database..." return my_response # Backups for cluster databases def RDS_backup(RDS_NAME): print("Connecting to RDS Database") print("Database snapshot backups stated... for " + RDS_NAME + ' - Snapshot ' + SNAPSHOT_NAME) response = client.create_db_snapshot( DBSnapshotIdentifier= RDS_NAME + '-s-' + SNAPSHOT_NAME, DBIdentifier= RDS_NAME, Tags=[ { 'Key': 'Backup', 'Value': 'MyToll' }, ] ) def RDS_purge(RDS_NAME): #For debugging #print(response) print('Looking for items to purge - Retention ' + str(INTERVAL_NUM) + ' ' + INTERVAL_TYPE ) for snapshot in client.describe_db_snapshots(DBIdentifier= RDS_NAME, MaxRecords=50)['DBSnapshots']: create_ts = snapshot['SnapshotCreateTime'].replace(tzinfo=None) if create_ts < - datetime.timedelta(**{INTERVAL_TYPE: INTERVAL_NUM}): print("Deleting snapshot id:", snapshot['DBSnapshotIdentifier']) client.delete_db_cluster_snapshot( DBSnapshotIdentifier=snapshot['DBSnapshotIdentifier'] ) #For debugging #print(response) my_response ="Completed snapshot copy and purge for RDS database..." return my_response if rds_type == '-H' or rds_type == '': print("Usage: RDS NAME: <CLUSTER/RDS> DB NAME:<RDS/CLUSTER NAME> PURGE:<PURGE/NOPURGE>") print:("i.e. CLUSTER AURORATEST TRUE") sys.exit if rds_type == 'CLUSTER': Cluster_backup(RDS_NAME) if Purge == 'PURGE': Cluster_purge(RDS_NAME) if rds_type == 'RDS': RDS_backup(RDS_NAME) if Purge == 'PURGE': Cluster_purge(RDS_NAME)