MySQL Deadlocks in InnoDB

A deadlock is a situation where different transactions are unable to proceed because each holds a lock that the other needs. Because both transactions are waiting for a resource to become available, neither ever release the locks it holds. A deadlock can occur when transactions lock rows in multiple tables (through statements such as UPDATE … Read more

InnoDB Information

SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX SHOW ENGINE {NDB | NDBCLUSTER} STATUS SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS Displays extensive information from the standard InnoDB Monitor about the state of the InnoDB storage engine. There are four types of InnoDB monitors: • The standard InnoDB Monitor displays the following types of information: • Work done … Read more

How to create a SSL connection between Oracle and Amazon Aurora Data Migration Services

Amazon have documented this process, however this is for 11g source Oracle database only, and there are a few steps that must be adhered to in order to get this to work. Please note, there are a few changes from 10g to 11g using orapki, specifically with the auto_login command. Please set your Oracle environment … Read more

How to change a MYSQL User Password

Solution Step 1. Login to the relevant server as any user and login to mysql as described below cd /usr/local/mysql/bin ./mysql -uroot Change the user password update mysql.user set password=’indreport’ where user=’indreport’; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> commit; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)