Day 5

Mark, Bron, Allira, Alex and Sarah (Smucha) spent the morning touring around the island (complimentary from the tour company, and the Gem’s Gallery!). First we travelled to Karon and Kata Beach, which is another area, like Patong, but a bit smaller and quieter.    It reminded Mark and Bron of Koh Samui, then on further …

Day 3 and 4

Day 3 We started the day heading towards the mainland for an adventure on the river rapids. We had to stop a few times along the way, as some people were a little worse for wear and they needed to clear their stomaches. Shortly after getting back on the road, we saw a horrific accident …


Arrived in Bangkok bright and early, and all feeling very relieved that the flight was over. Had a fairly short wait for our connecting flight, but were delayed about half an hour on the plane waiting for some late passengers. Finally arrived in Phuket at about 10am and quickly found our transport to the hotel. …

Cool Website

I found this cool site yesterday, they are a startup design company (probably only 1 guy) but their site is awesome! Check them out


[kml_flashembed fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”countdown_flip_4days.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” publishmethod=”static” width=”400″ height=”70″] [/kml_flashembed] Our countdown! 26th June, 2009. We are off to Thailand once again with Carolyn, Greg, Matt, Britt, Mel,Sarah, Bronwyn, Mark, Allira, Alex, Duncan and Sarah. We can’t wait!